Sunday, April 06, 2008

Whole house audio/media

I've been really happy with my Roku Soundbridge radio. Great management of fav internet radio stations, plays my mp3s and podcasts from iTunes running on my HTPC system. No, it doesnt play the Apple protected stuff since Apple wont license that to anybody. So I just say NO to DRM.

I'd like to add players in the kitchen, living room and back yard but not convinced of Roku's longevity with Logitech getting in the game with their acqusition of Slim Devices and the release of the Squeezebox Duet.

There's also competition from Sonos with a fairly expensive but robust multi-room offering.

So...which of these to consider? I like Roku but they seem to be lagging in features now. Sonos looks sexy with their controller and multi-room control. But spendy.

Then there's the fact that all of these are audio only solutions and fairly closed systems. With the Snapstream PVR and iTunes on the HTPC I might just as well build cheap toaster PCs for the barn, kitchen and living room.

Because Roku does it's internet radio favorites through a web portal I could access them from any PC with a browser. With a Snapstream BeyondTV client I'd be able to play recorded shows from the PVR and even access live TV.

Hmmm...choices. Audio only seems limiting.