Monday, July 28, 2008

The coming RIA wars

The thin vs. Swing wars are old news for us. We still keep reaching for desktop apps and mistakenly compare their merits vs. html or dhtml (ajax) clients.

RIAs are pretty compelling but frighteningly proprietry. I favored OpenLazlo for some time but am starting to see some apeal in Flex/Air.

This post is simply a catalog of good reads in the area. Cannon fodder, perhaps.

schematic » Flex Vs AJAX - How Forrester got it wrong

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if you could effectivley stop/filter out the screaming, yet maintain the
adrenalin induced excitement, horror, and blood flow... what kind of sound
do you think you could make by dragging someones face across a cement sidewalk
for 3 1/2 miles

thus slowly peeling of the layers of skin and muscle tissue and eventually
grating the cheek bones against the ground....

hmmm i wonder

just as i wonder what it would be like to cut along the dotted lines...
