Wednesday, August 25, 2004

OnLoad versus Page_Load

OnLoad versus Page_Load

override protected OnLoad(System.EventArgs e)

is faster than...

this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load);

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Java for .NET

IKVM.NET: is an implementation of Java for Mono and the Microsoft .NET Framework.

No AWT, Swing or security yet, but looks very promising. You dont get to jun jars directly, you have to use a tool to boil them down to a .dll.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - The music of war - Aug 17%2C 2004

I dont remember if I get VH1, but this would be worth checking out: - The music of war - Aug 17%2C 2004

Monday, August 02, 2004

Yet another Gartner analyst says BOTH to java vs. .Net

.NET vs. Java: No Easy Answers: "Choose Both
Despite any attempts to select either platform as a 'strategic' de facto choice, virtually all large development organizations will ultimately have both....It's entirely unrealistic to assume a large national or multinational company will have all Java or all Microsoft technology. For that matter, legacy platforms such as Cobol will also remain entrenched for many years to come.
In these cases the 'us vs. them' battle must be tempered with a higher-level integration strategy. Although there are no easy answers to this problem, technology such as Web services standards are beginning to emerge and will allow better integration and interoperability between the platforms in the future"

Visual MainWin offers best of .Net, Java - Computerworld

While reading this on CW I had to scroll back to top to make sure it wasnt published on Apr. 1! Emits java bytecode from .Net source, including API/framework translations (e.g. ADO)

Visual MainWin offers best of .Net, Java - Computerworld: "The word seamless has become nearly meaningless, but Visual MainWin's integration into Visual Studio deserves the label. Visual MainWin attaches itself to the output of the compilation process and translates the intermediate language (IL) code coming out of Visual Studio into the equivalent Java bytecode"

Gartner suggests Heterogeneous dev platforms the norm

.Net vs. Java - Computerworld: "Corporations will find it tough to settle on a single development architecture such as .Net or Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE), 'unless they are the size of a dentist's office,' says Yefim Natis, an analyst at Gartner Inc. in Stamford, Conn. "