Monday, May 22, 2006

Glen Helen Rally Cross & new CRS standing


Wooo Hoo! The Glen Helen rally cross event this past weekend was a fantastic time for me. I had put a lot of effort into preparring and made it out to some lake beds the weekends before to get some more seat time. It paid off nicely....3rd place finish in street stock class and 16th of 56 cars overall.

Good enough to earn me 100 points toward the California Rally Series championship in street stock and bump me up to first place in the standings.


One glitch in the organization at this event is that we never got to see our times until the next day. Four runs and no way to know if you were improving or how you were doing compared to the other drivers. Oddly, my morning runs were both the same time and my evening runs also the same, but 10+ secs better than the morning runs. Complete times for all classes are here:

Next event is July 11th at Thunderhill in Willows. Going to be a loooong drive but I hear it's one of the best venues.

More photos up on my flickr site here

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Rim of the World Rally 2006

I volunteered to work the Rim of the World Rally this past weekend in Antelope valley, CA. I worked the Service and Fueling areas, keeping cars on tarps, chasing fuel out of the public areas, and generally trying to do whatever I could to be helpful to the various ametuer and professional rally teams there to compete.

On sat I got to start cars on the Del Sur North stage and then man the stopwatch for the return run on the Del Sur south stage. We had 43 cars to start with 1 minute intervals and what a hoot it was to see them up close and be part of such a well organized event.

RIM 2006_sat 013

RIM 2006_sat 006

RIM 2006 035