Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ted Sladowski's Voyageur Art

I just finished a site for my uncle at Voyageur Art. Set him up with yahoo hosting and showed him a bit how to manage it.

I was confined to pure html/js and felt uncomfortable without some server side environment. I decided to stretch away from old and mostly bad habit of client side dev and commit to using pure CSS driven layout, no tables, no imagemaps, barely anything layout in the html.

I usually dont like client side development but this was something fun and a good excercise in learning more about CSS and some sane ways to use it. I spent a lot of time meditating over at CSS Zen Garden and brushed up on my photoshop skills a bit.

I found a really elegant little Firefox plug-in for debugging and tweaking client side code in Firebug. Wish I had found it earlier in the project!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Conservative Doubt?

NPR's All things considered today had a sobering essay from Rod Dreher who I know nothing about but who's words captured well the horror and bewilderment I hope many convservatives are feeling today.

I wanted to email it to friends and family but couldnt find it published anywhere except as a paid transcript from NPR or audio at their site. It's worth a listen for free or a read, if you want to pay...

NPR Transcript: Bush, Iraq Lead a Conservative to Question: "Commentator Rod Dreher has been a conservative ever since he was a teenager. He came of age in the 1980s. A Generation X’er who never understood the Baby Boomer protest generation. Well, now on the cusp of turning 40, he's still a conservative, but he’s so dismayed at the way President Bush is handling the Iraq war, many of his prior beliefs have come into question,..."