Thursday, January 11, 2007

Conservative Doubt?

NPR's All things considered today had a sobering essay from Rod Dreher who I know nothing about but who's words captured well the horror and bewilderment I hope many convservatives are feeling today.

I wanted to email it to friends and family but couldnt find it published anywhere except as a paid transcript from NPR or audio at their site. It's worth a listen for free or a read, if you want to pay...

NPR Transcript: Bush, Iraq Lead a Conservative to Question: "Commentator Rod Dreher has been a conservative ever since he was a teenager. He came of age in the 1980s. A Generation X’er who never understood the Baby Boomer protest generation. Well, now on the cusp of turning 40, he's still a conservative, but he’s so dismayed at the way President Bush is handling the Iraq war, many of his prior beliefs have come into question,..."

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